Brass Cone Holders
Our wooden cone burners are made of very good quality. Most are hand crafted and imported from various parts of the world. With many of the ash catchers and burners being imported China and India. We provide a excellent selection to choose from and we pride ourselves with quality holders, to make for easy storage and cleanup. To ensure qualility products we only carry a limited inventory of holders. Cone holders are an essential tool to prevent your incense ashes from burning tables or damaging counters. Many of the wooden and brass holders have compartments for storing cones making them an ideal buy.
Everyone who burns incense are aware that it's just important for a user to have something stable and fireproof to burn their incense in. Incense burners are known by many names including ash catchers or censers. Some people use bowls of sand to catch the burning ash of the sticks or cones or more commonly place the stick in something commonly found around the house like plant or soda can. Although these methods work as well they are not at all safe for everyday use. It's best to use something that is specifically made for the purpose that's also heat resistant to prevent fire or damage. We carry several brass, wood and lacquered burners for your use.

Laquer Stick and Cone Holder
This burner is hand designed in india and has small mirror jewels. It's made for cones but could hold sticks as well. Assorted Designs & Colors $1.75 each

Cone/Charcoal Temple Burner
This tower is 5" tall and the perfect incense burner for your cones or charocal. Never worry about falling ashes. Includes 15 incense cones FREE.
Price: $7.00

3" Dia. Celtic Cone Holder
This incense cone burner holds a single cone and up to 12 sticks. Includes 10 incense sticks FREE. $3.50 each

2inch Brass Cone Holder
These little guys are one of our popular sellers due to it's being easy to clean long last made of durable brass and easy to clean. $2.00 each

2.5" Moon Star Cone Holder
This incense cone burner holds a single cone and up to 4 sticks. $2.50 each

4" Cone Wood Box
This wooden cone box holds a single cone . * Random Designs. Includes 15 Cones
Price: $5.00 each

6" Mini Stick & Cone Box
Dual burner holds both mini sticks and cones. Storage underneath bottom for your favorite sticks.
Includes 15 Mini Sticks
Price: $7.00 each

4.5 inch" Tree of Life Burner
Hold both sticks and cones. Easy to clean includes 15 cones: $5.00 each