Glass Oil Droppers
These fragrance droppers are the perfect solution for adding smalls amount of fragrances and prevent spillage. They are the same as medicine droppers and look similar to the plastic droppers. The glass droppers are easy to clean. The glass pipette removes easy to clean any fragrance residue that may have been left inside after use. These droppers fits our 1/2 oz bottles.
Glass droppers are used hundred's of ways in this era. They fit perfectly to our amber Boston round bottles. Many of our customer use these droppers with soap making as though it takes the guess work out and prevent adding more fragrance than needed. They could also be used with colorants, crafts, medical practices and children craft project.
The ever so popular, glass dropper application are the standard essential for using with perfumes, diffusers and essential oils bottles found on the market today. Fits 1/2 ounce bottles. Great tool to assist with adding fragrance oil to your brass lamp rings, potpourri sachets etc. Which has become a priceless essential for their valued "drop by drop" reducer. Easy to clean dropper unlike those plastic droppers which stains. Our glass droppers are non staining.
Fragrance Oils I Empty Bottles

Glass Eye Dropper
18/400 Neck Size Fits 1/2 oz Amber or Flint Boston Round Bottles